How Sustainable Development Goals Fit Food


Food falls within at least eight of the sustainable development goals, so whatever your role in the food system or aims, your work will touch upon them.

SDGs which relate to food

Sustainable development is one of the core principles underneath our ideology, with the SDGs forming a touchstone for our work. Careful integration of these goals into any organisations’s objectives can provide targets that guide thinking towards a brighter future. Going one step further, we also reference the UN PCSD framework, which provides a structure to recognise coherent policy actions across many levels, when aiming for sustainable development. Together, these provide adaptable references for every engagement, from simple ‘headline’ targets through to deep food systems analysis.

Solid Foundations

Whatever the process, from policy research to communications outcomes, internal or customer facing, it’s always possible to look back to the SDGs for guidance. Combining the UN SDGs and PCSD created a background for our own aims, as set out in our theoretical framework. Ideas can cross from reality, to fantasy and back again, to create ideas that help us all step up a level.

  • Food Policy Development

  • Policy Coherence

  • Critical Analysis